Wk | Dat | Mon | Tues | Weds | Thurs | Fri | Sat | Sun | Total |
1 | 6/14 6/20 | Easy Run Dist: 3 mi @10:20 | Rest / XT | Tempo Run Dist: 5 mi, inc Warm; 3 mi @ 8:46; Cool | Rest / XT | Rest / XT | Long Run Dist: 8 mi @10:20 | Rest / XT | 16 miles |
Running club is in full swing. I'm flip flopping between leader PJ's plan and my trusty ol' Runners World plan. They are similar in that they both call for three runs a week, but differ slightly in mileage and step back weeks. I think, for the most part, I will be following the Y plan, but will run a wee bit further on certain days.
This was how my week one went:
Monday: easy four miles
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: the above described tempo run (Wednesday's will usually be speed work/intervals with the group, but I needed to take the J-man to soccer so I did this)
Thursday: threshold cycle class
Friday: rest
Saturday: 9.75 miles at a comfy pace
So... RW called for eight on Saturday, YMCA plan called for six, and Chris Holt is on yet another plan that called for nine. Since I just completed the half, nine is really within reach, so I went for it with the hubby. Then, turns out we got a bonus three quarters of a mile.
Tonight will be my first Wednesday with the group. *YIKES* Fast running scares the buh jeezus outta me.
Here's a little pic from the Mpls half (I'm too cheap to pay for it, so little will have to do)