Training Widget

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Mid-Week Update

It's been a big week in my little running world. After years of talking about it, Chris and I are now officially part of a registered
Ragnar Relay team. This is sheer insanity, folks, but I'm looking forward to it. Chris and I had tried to form a team, and were getting somewhat lukewarm responses, so he took the bull by the horns and found a team thorough the 'find a team' dealy on the website. So... we'll be running with strangers. Absolute craziness, but have I mentioned I'm looking forward to this?? My hope is that it might be a stepping stone for the Hood to Coast Relay, another thing I've talked about doing for a long long time. A dream (pipe dream), one might say.

Through all this, we've been introduced to It's kind of a runner's facebook. Check me out. It also provides all these cool widgets, which I've since put on this blog. Yes, I am a nerd.

Just in case you don't feel the need to look at my profile, here's part of today's entry:

I set out with the intention of an easy five miler, and that's what I did. However, when I got done and looked at my watch, I was super frustrated. I've never claimed to be a speedster, and I have no issue with running 10 minute miles on a ho-hum morning run such as this. Once the pace gets any slower than that, however, frustration sets in. Apparently denial sets in as well, so I sat down and mapped the route on Turns out it's 5.22 miles. Sometimes the littlest things (0.22 miles) can provide the biggest mental boost. :-)

Today was my first time this year getting up and going for an early run (kind of early). For some reason, the first time always gives me anxiety. I worry about J getting on the bus, their breakfast, somehow screwing up the alarm clock and missing my running window, etc., etc. It's totally stupid! My husband is fully capable of getting everyone where they need to be (as he proved today), and how often does the alarm clock not go off, really?? I got home just in time to tell Jerod good-bye as he got on the bus, so all was well :-)

I am feeling good, loving spring, and looking forward to the challenges ahead!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week Five in the Books

The Plan:

Easy Run
Dist: 2 mi
/ XT
Dist: 7 mi, inc
Warm; 3x1600 in 8:19
w/800 jogs; Cool
/ XT
/ XT
Long Run
Dist: 8 mi
/ XT
17 miles

The Actual:
Monday: 30 minutes of zone 2 swimming
Tuesday: 60 minutes of yoga with Lisa
Wednesday: above described speedwork
Thursday: 60 minutes of sweaty cycling
Friday: 8 mile run
Saturday & Sunday: rest

I'm now having some pain in my right shin (opposite leg of last year's stress fracture). I am beyond annoyed. However, it seems very different from what I experienced last spring. This particular ache is there when I start running, and seems to diminish as I get warmed up (as opposed to the stress fracture, which started as a little annoyance, and quickly went to excruciating as I got going).

We had another great day for Friday's long run. Once rainy, yucky Saturday came along, I was very happy we'd gotten the eight done on Friday.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hyland 8 Mile

Today, while on a lovely eight miler with my better half, we spotted the following: a flock of wild turkeys, a condom on the road, and a baby turtle (possibly dead). Gotta love running in the Cities!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week Four-- 'Tis Good to be a Runner

The Plan: (I cannot figure out how to get rid of these extra boxes... grrr.)

Easy Run
Dist: 2 mi
/ XT
Tempo Run
Dist: 6 mi, inc
Warm; 4 mi @ 8:59; Cool
/ XT
/ XT
Long Run
Dist: 7 mi
/ XT
15 miles

The Actual: (we seem to be falling into a bit of a routine)

Monday: 30 minutes of swimming (zone 2) and a 30 minute personal training session
Tuesday: yoga with Lisa
Wednesday: above described tempo run
Thursday: 60 minute cycle class
Friday: rest (kind of... spent the day trying make the house book club ready)
Saturday: Seven miler with Chris (Lynhurst park, Lake Harriet, Lake Calhoun)

I've been blessed for perfect running weather for the longer runs, which is making this an enjoyable journey thus far.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What a Difference a Week Can Make

The plan:

Easy Run
Dist: 2 mi
/ XT
Tempo Run
Dist: 5 mi, inc
Warm; 3 mi @ 8:54; Cool
/ XT
/ XT
Long Run
Dist: 7 mi
/ XT
14 miles

The actual:

Monday- 30 minutes swimming
Tuesday- Yoga with Lisa
Wednesday- The tempo run described above and weights
Thursday- 60 minute cycle class
Friday- 7 mile (approx.) run with my husband :)
Saturday- we're not there yet, but I can assure you I'll be resting
Sunday- either an easy short run or a swim

This week was blissfully normal. The weather has been beautiful (minus some rain on Wednesday). Today was an absolutely perfect day for a run. We went to Bloomington and ran in the Hyland area... it. was. awesome!

Here's my running buddy from today. He's the best :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week Two-- Not My Strongest Work

The plan:
Easy Run
Dist: 2 mi
/ XT
Dist: 5 mi, inc
Warm; 2x1600 in 8:24
w/800 jogs; Cool
/ XT
/ XT
Long Run
Dist: 6 mi
/ XT
13 miles

The actual:
Monday- 30 minutes of swimming
Tuesday-nada (that's nothing, folks)
Wednesday-I did the speedwork described above.
Thursday- Seven miles- left from home and ran toward Lake Harriet, then turned around and came back. Distance is approximate, but I ran for 70 minutes.
Friday- nada
Saturday- nada
Sunday- nada

Three days of nothing is completely unacceptable. I cannot tell you the last time I went three days in a row without a workout. I've got plenty of excuses: my kid had strep throat, Friday was Good Friday (so both kids were home from school), Saturday I felt like I needed to pick up the house (after 7+ days of company the place was lookin' a little rough), Sunday... is Easter a good excuse? Certainly not. I'm pretty much completely disgusted with myself right now.

The other thing I'm not mentioning here is that it's been an emotionally grueling week. We had to bid farewell to someone we love who we will not see for a long long time, and it just completely and totally sucked. Stupid, yucky, stinky, sucky sadness.

So... that's that. I can assure you next week will go differently.