Through all this, we've been introduced to It's kind of a runner's facebook. Check me out. It also provides all these cool widgets, which I've since put on this blog. Yes, I am a nerd.
Just in case you don't feel the need to look at my profile, here's part of today's entry:
I set out with the intention of an easy five miler, and that's what I did. However, when I got done and looked at my watch, I was super frustrated. I've never claimed to be a speedster, and I have no issue with running 10 minute miles on a ho-hum morning run such as this. Once the pace gets any slower than that, however, frustration sets in. Apparently denial sets in as well, so I sat down and mapped the route on Turns out it's 5.22 miles. Sometimes the littlest things (0.22 miles) can provide the biggest mental boost. :-)
Today was my first time this year getting up and going for an early run (kind of early). For some reason, the first time always gives me anxiety. I worry about J getting on the bus, their breakfast, somehow screwing up the alarm clock and missing my running window, etc., etc. It's totally stupid! My husband is fully capable of getting everyone where they need to be (as he proved today), and how often does the alarm clock not go off, really?? I got home just in time to tell Jerod good-bye as he got on the bus, so all was well :-)
I am feeling good, loving spring, and looking forward to the challenges ahead!
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