Today is a good day! I wanted to be sure and write that down, because odds are I'll feel a little differently next week at this time. For now, though, I'm going to enjoy the moment.
There are 10 days left before Grandma's marathon. Training for this one has been a doozy, because, in my opinion, we essentially had zero spring in Minnesota this year. Saturday long runs were predominantly rainy, if not snowy. In fact, I don't think I could describe one single Saturday training run as pleasant.
But, we covered the miles, and the hay is in the barn, and that is a good, good thing. I am very excited to head north. I'm not sure why, but the nerves are under control at this point. Considering the fact that this will be marathon #2 and I know what's in store for me, that makes no sense. I will go with it though!
On a completely unrelated note, Chris and I took part in the Minneapolis Marathon this past Sunday. No, we most certainly did not tackle the whole thing... we were part of a relay team. Our fantabulous teammates are pictured with us above. It was FUN (and totally worthy of caps lock). Can't wait for Ragnar!
That's awesome Anne, good luck to you guys! Sorry I haven't called, we definetely need to hook up, just been busy with the end of school and all.