Since Dailymile's going to round up, I want you all to know that my finish time was 1:54:59... exactly one second less than my goal of 1:55:00 :)
I had visions of a PR dancing somewhere in the back of my mind, but today was not the day for that. Considering I could barely walk yesterday (pulled something, perhaps carrying my five year old to bed, there will be no more of that action in this house!), I am very happy!
While I do not approve of the biodegradable race bibs (they were a bit too degradable once they got sweaty and rainy), I love this race. I love that they don't send you home with a bag full of paper and coupons and other crap that you're never going to use!
It was great to see Dave and Renee, as well as have Oneal (from Biggest Loser) to send us on our merry racing way.
I will now be going to partake of my celebratory huevos rancheros and bloody mary. Today is a good day. Actually, every day is a good day, even the bad days. I like running, I like it a lot. (For those of you who follow Greg P., yes, I stole that because I like it, I like it a lot).
In addition to that, Chris and I ran 15+ miles last Saturday. It was HARD! We were away for the weekend and ran on Madeline Island. Running on Madeline Island was very cool, but we were just totally off our game. I didn't eat an appropriate meal the night before (steak sandwich with a salad... simply not enough fuel for that kind of mileage), and apparently I didn't eat enough before we took off. I had a banana and half a clif bar. I made it through with the help of Gu, but it was not fun. And, we ran out of water. Major bummer. We did manage to find this place and the owner filled our bottle for us. I could have kissed him!
Other than that, I've been running five or six miles on Mondays, and three to five miles of sprints and hills on Wednesdays with the Y club. I hate those Wednesday workouts, but feel my half marathon time is proof that they're worth the trouble.
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